Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Random Thoughts

 Last night my husband made a comment concerning a couple we know. He wondered how in the world did 'she' end up with 'him'?! I found his question a bit funny! Though I had thought the match unlikely I never questioned it...I just filled in my own conclusions by taking what I know of him and and what I know of her and realizing that they were not so unlikely of a match as what you might think.
  Have you ever noticed that there are more 'pretty' girls with not so handsome men? And that is it very rare that you find an ugly girl with a very handsome man. Ever wonder why? I think I might have an idea.
 This is what I told my husband concerning the afore mentioned couple. I bet he makes her laugh...she feels secure when she is with him...he 'gives' her worth and meaning....and even though she might not be as beautiful as Miss America, he makes her feel beautiful....from the inside out...which is a beauty that goes far deeper than physical beauty.
 Most good looking men want a woman that either compares with their looks or exceeds them. A woman on the other hand...well...that is a completely different story. Though looks are nice, we would rather be with someone that likes us for who we are, not what we look like. The man could be the ugliest man on earth, but if he makes you laugh, or values you, cherishes you, you can see past his looks...you can his his heart. And that's what really matters to a woman!
  For a woman, sometimes physical beauty can be a curse! A woman would much rather be loved for what is on the inside than for what is on the outside. We(women) are all to aware of the fact that with time the physical beauty will wither and fade, that it is the inner beauty of the woman that will last. It takes a real man to realize this as well!
  True beauty, whether you are a man or a woman, lies within. And if you are a Christian, Christ deepens that beauty with His strength and love and joy and grace.

1 comment:

  1. So true. Women are looking for that knight in shining armor!
