Sunday, July 24, 2011

Would I Get A Raise?

My husband just started a new job.(for those of you who do not know us it was because we just moved to Missouri) He came up for his 90 day review and was told by their Human Resources Director that he was one of the best workers that they have hired in a long time and after his coworkers were questioned about his work ethic they all said he has a very upbeat attitude, works hard and never complains about the jobs he is given. He was given a substantial raise! We had been praying for this and we were so very thankful that God blessed.
  Barry called me with this news and I was overjoyed, as you can imagine. But I couldn't help thinking what would my Human Resources Director say about me? If my 'coworkers' which would be my 6 children and husband were questioned about my work ethic? I was cut to the quick! Our home stays tidy, every once in a while the laundry piles up....but what about my attitude? OUCH!! I can recall being put out with something Barry has asked me to do on more than one occasion. And I do not always fill our home with laughter or singing. My husband on the other hand ALWAYS has a song on his lips or is whistling! Do I get along with my coworkers? Yes, I know they are my children but truly gave me pause. It made me stop and evaluate myself through God's eyes, through His Word of what I am supposed to be, how I am to run our home, what my attitude should be!
  I am SO thankful that God loves me enough to bring things to mind like this. And that His grace and His Word are sufficient to help me make our home a better 'work place'.

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